Our Practice
Incorporating a Trust into their estate plan has many benefits for the grantor (the person creating the Trust) and for their beneficiaries and fiduciary. A Trust is usually the preferred vehicle for the management and post-death distribution of assets and can provide your family with an additional layer of peace of mind and privacy at the time of your death.
A Last Will + Testament is the cornerstone of every estate plan. An experienced probate lawyer can assist you with the preparation of a Will in accordance with applicable state law that incorporates specific tools and language that will help your executor to bypass certain pitfalls.
Creating a solid Durable Power of Attorney for Finance while you’re still healthy will drastically reduce, or eliminate, the chance of your family and loved ones having to request a costly Conservatorship over you to manage your assets and other legal affairs.
A Health Care Power of Attorney will give your appointee the power to direct your medical care during periods of your sickness or incapacity and, like a DPOA, can help your family avoid having to engage in a costly and protracted Conservatorship proceeding over you.
Tennessee and Florida both allow parents to name guardians in advance for their minor children in case appointment of a guardian ever becomes necessary. Our office takes a stronger approach in creating a standalone, comprehensive guardianship document for minor children.
Properly navigating the probate process after the death of a loved one can be an incredibly challenging task that should not be faced alone. An experienced probate lawyer will be with you at every step of the way to assist you with properly marshaling assets according to law and settling the deceased person’s estate.
The need for a court-ordered Conservatorship is a difficult reality that some adults may face in their lifetime. Planning ahead to avoid a Conservatorship is always preferred but, when there is no alternative, it is crucial to hire an experienced probate lawyer to assist you through the process and thereafter assisting you to handle the ongoing requirements.
Our office can assist with the following real estate matters:
Heirs Property Partitions
Representing Landlords in Detainer Actions
Representing Landlords with Lease Preparation and Review
Representing a party during a commercial real estate transaction
Deeding Property
Peer-to-Peer Transactions
Trustee’s should take the time and assemble a team of professionals to assist them with the administration of a Trust. The team should include a knowledgeable trusts attorney to advise and assist the Trustee at every step of the way. Our office is proud to partner with Trustees to guide them with the administration of the Trust and provide necessary services.
College-bound students should consider the preparation and execution of a durable power of attorney for financial matters and a health care power of attorney naming an emergency fiduciary with the power to access their otherwise private records and make legal and medical decisions in their stead whenever the student becomes unable to do so thanks to tragedy. A properly drafted power of attorney for a college bound child will incorporate powers such as: granting the named fiduciary access to medical, school and financial records; authorizing the fiduciary to communicate with medical providers, school officials, financial institutions, landlords, and digital media providers; and empowering the parent to make decisions and direct treatments for the child in a critical moment.